I don’t know about you, but during Spring, all I want to do is get outside! I love the perfect temperatures, bright blue skies and all the beautiful sights as nature awakens from its Winter slumber. And I can think of no better place to experience the newness of Spring than in the Smoky Mountains.
The Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is April 15-19 this year, and features an extensive schedule of nature walks, birding, photography events and contest, and educational programs. If you love (or have never heard of!) Vasey’s trillium, dwarf ginseng, fringed phacelia, royal fern or Dutchman’s pipe vine, then the Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage is where you need to be! You can see and learn about each of these types of flora and more on one of many hikes through the park. You can literally spend the entire day, sun-up to sun-down, enjoying the beauty and wonder of nature in the striking landscape of the Smoky Mountains. Yes, please!!
Spring in the Smokies is also a great time to learn about and experience world cultures! The Dollywood Festival of Nations runs through April 21st and showcases the culture of many nations including Colombia, Italy, Russia and Switzerland, just to name a few. Talk about the best of everything—enjoy all the thrills of Dollywood rides while also celebrating music, dance, food and art from around the world! It’s the perfect opportunity to have a bunch of fun and learn something too!
The Smoky Mountain nightlife is buzzing this Spring, too, with the hit attraction of Movies on the Island at The Island in Pigeon Forge. River Rat Whitewater had a blast sponsoring the first movie last week and is already looking forward to the next River Rat Whitewater-sponsored flick, The Great Outdoors! Every Thursday through May 15th, you and your family can catch a great show on the big screen at The Island, with games and events beginning at 6:00 p.m.
It’s Spring! Get outdoors! Have fun! And do it in the Great Smoky Mountains!!